pta companion

PTA Companion

Convenient, Accurate and Reliable Information

PTA Companion is a closing cost app that provides you with the tools you need for your next listing and when meeting with prospective buyers. It is designed for Real Estate Professionals with calculators, customizable marketing materials and quick access to generate buyer estimates and seller net sheets.

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Key features include

Helpful Calculators

Monthly affordability, renting vs. buying, loan qualifier and sell to net.

Buyer and Seller Net Sheets

Easily generate net sheets to understand the costs of buying or selling a home.

Save Net Sheets and Estimates

Sort through and access previous net sheets and estimates.

Easily Share Generated Net Sheets

Quickly generate net sheets to print or share via email or text.

Fully Customized Marketing Materials

Create custom marketing materials for buyers or sellers.

Training Tutorials to Get Started

Learn how to get started and utilize the app to its full potential.